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HR Forms

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List of Human Resources forms with their numbers, names, descriptions, and categories
# Name Description Category
P142 Notice of Improvement Needed Unsatisfactory Performance Employee Notice of Unsatisfactory Performance and Improvement Needed Form. Employee Relations
P151 Panel Physician Selection Acknowledgement of employee review of panel physicians selection. Benefits
P152 Selective Service Registration Questionnaire Selective service registration questionnaire (males only) General
P86 Non-paid Affiliation Appointment Non-paid affiliation appointment form. Employee Administration
Counseling Memorandum on Performance Sample performance counseling memorandum form. Employee Relations
Counseling Memorandum on Behavior Sample behavioral counseling memorandum form. Employee Relations
Letter Placing an Employee on Leave for Administrative/Civil and Work-Related Leave Pending Internal Investigation Sample letter placing an employee on leave for administrative/civil and work-related leave pending internal investigation. Employee Relations
129-01-004 Written Notice Important information concerning issuing a written notice Employee Relations
Resignation Acceptance Letter Resignation acceptance letter for Virginia Tech employees. Employee Relations
Due Process Letter (After Investigation) Sample Due Process letter to be used when employee has been on pre-disciplinary leave pending investigation. Employee Relations
Due Process Letter (No Investigation) Sample Due Process letter to be used when there is no pending investigation. Employee Relations
Letter Terminating Wage Employment Sample letter terminating wage employment. Employee Relations
Letter Terminating Probationary Employment Sample letter terminating probationary employment. Employee Relations
Pre-Disciplinary Leave Letter Pending Standards of Conduct Investigation Sample letter placing an employee on pre-disciplinary leave pending standards of conduct investigation. Employee Relations
P188 Memorandum of Agreement and Promissory Note For Tuition Credits Memorandum of Agreement and Promissory Note for Tuition Credits in Accordance with Policy 4800, Tuition Benefits Program for Salaried Employees. Benefits
Consent For Prospective Supervisor to Review Personnel File Consent form for employee personnel file to be reviewed by authorized person or agency. Employee Administration
P3A P3A – Staff and Faculty Actions or Change of Status Report of staff and faculty actions or change of status. Please submit this document to Human Resources via the P3A form Service Request: Employee Administration
P4B Request for Employee Leave Request for employee leave form. Should be submitted as soon as leave decisions are made. Human Resources
P6A Leave Sharing Donor Form Leave sharing donor form. Leave
P12B Change of Name, Address or Social Security Number (SSN) Form used by employees to change name, address or SSN. Employee Administration
P14A Part Time Temporary Faculty Appointment Authorization For Payment Provides wage compensation for part-time temporary faculty-level services in instruction, research, outreach or administration. Employee Administration
P99 Request for Human Resources Records Request form to review or receive copies of official personnel records from Human Resources. Employee Administration
P108 Emergency Hire Extension Emergency hire form for non-student wage employment. Employee Administration
P120 Personnel Signature Authorization Human Resources Signature Authorization from the Dean or Vice President of a specified department. Employee Administration
P153 Request to Establish Employee Award or Recognition Program Request for to establish employee award or recognition programs. Brief description, participating departments, and funding source. Compensation
P154 Employee Recognition Award Payment and Leave Form Employee Recognition Aware Payment and Leave Form (Prior program approval required) Compensation
Return To Work Release Return to work release form based on evaluation. Leave
Shelter Leave / One Time Deferral 403(b) Sheltered leave/additional pay defferal form to modify salary as indicated. Benefits
SS Summer Session Teaching Appointments This form is used for summer session 1 and 2 teaching appointments. Employee Administration
Summer Sessions Research Appointments Form used for the summer session research appointments only. Employee Administration
Volunteer Sample Letter Volunteer services sample letter including summary of duties and responsibilities. Policy and Compliance
Paid Parental Leave Eligibility Paid Parental Leave Eligibility Application Form Leave
FMLA - Certification of Health Care for Employee’s Serious Health Condition Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 - Employee Packet Leave
FMLA - Certification of Health Care for Family Member's Serious Health Condition Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 - Employee Packet Human Resources
Conviction Check Request Request conviction and other pre-employment checks. Policy and Compliance
P6 Leave Sharing Recipient Form Leave sharing recipient form - reason for leave, estimated length of absence, and rights. Leave
P14 Sample Letter for Part-Time Temporary Wage Appointment Sample letter for part-time temporary wage appointment. Some information is instructional and you need to put in the appropriate information. Employee Administration
A10385 State Active Enrollment State health benefits program enrollment form for employees. Benefits
F52833 Securian Enrollment Form Enrollment application for VRS optional group life insurance with Securian Financial. Benefits
F53411 Securian Change Form Benefits
F52749 Securian Evidence of Insurability Benefits
P12W Wage Employee Appointment Record Wage employee appointment record form. Employee Administration
Reappointment Administrative Professional FT Academic Year Regular Re-appointment terms for AP faculty in full-time academic year regular roles. Recruiting
Reappointment Administrative Professional FT Academic Year Restricted Re-appointment terms for AP faculty in full-time academic year restricted roles. Recruiting
Reappointment Administrative Professional FT Calendar Year Regular Re-appointment terms for AP faculty in full-time calendar year regular roles. Recruiting
Reappointment Administrative Professional FT Calendar Year Restricted Re-appointment terms for AP faculty in full-time calendar year restricted roles. Recruiting
Reappointment Administrative Professional PT Calendar Year Regular Re-appointment terms for AP faculty in part-time calendar year regular roles. Recruiting
Reappointment Administrative Professional PT Calendar Year Restricted Re-appointment terms for AP faculty in part-time calendar year restricted roles. Recruiting
Reappointment Research FT Academic Year Restricted Re-appointment terms for research faculty in full-time academic year restricted roles. Recruiting
Reappointment Research FT Calendar Year Restricted Re-appointment terms for research faculty in full-time calendar year restricted roles. Recruiting
Reappointment Research PT Academic Year Restricted Re-appointment terms for research faculty in part-time academic year restricted roles. Recruiting
Reappointment Research PT Calendar Year Restricted Re-appointment terms for research faculty in part-time calendar year restricted roles. Recruiting
Reappointment Teaching & Research FT Academic Year Regular One Year Re-appointment terms for one year for teaching and research faculty in full-time academic year regular roles. Recruiting
Reappointment Teaching & Research FT Calendar Year Regular One Year Re-appointment terms for one year for teaching and research faculty in full-time calendar year regular roles. Recruiting
Reappointment Teaching & Research FT Academic Year Restricted Re-appointment terms for teaching and research faculty in full-time academic year restricted roles. Recruiting
Reappointment Teaching & Research FT Calendar Year Restricted Re-appointment terms for teaching and research faculty in full-time calendar year restricted roles. Recruiting
Reappointment Teaching & Research PT Academic Year Restricted Re-appointment terms for teaching and research faculty in part-time academic year restricted roles. Recruiting
Reappointment Teaching & Research PT Calendar Year Restricted Re-appointment terms for teaching and research faculty in part-time calendar year restricted roles. Recruiting
P36 Request for Additional/Outside Employment for Classified or University Staff This form should be used by classified and university staff members to seek advance approval for additional employment outside of Virginia Tech in accordance with Policy 4070. Employee Administration
P126 Memorandum of Agreement for Educational Aid Reimbursement This memorandum of agreement needs to be completed per Policy 4800, Tuition Benefits Program for Salaried Employees Benefits
Tuition waiver requests Online form used to create tuition waiver requests Benefits
Recruitment Consultation Request Complete this form to start recruitment initiation with the HR Recruitment team. Please enter information as thoroughly as possible. Recruiting
Orientation Scheduler Form for self-scheduling an orientation session Orientation
VRS65 Faculty Election of Retirement Plan Benefits
Pool Certification Template This form should be used to certify a faculty pool for a position prior to moving to an job offer. Recruiting
Election to Change Optional Retirement Plan Provider Change Retirement Plan Provider Benefits
Prior Leave Accrual Transfer Prior Leave Accrual Transfer form Leave
N/A HR Representatives HR representatives for senior management areas. Strategic Initiatives
N/A Request to Convert from Classified to University Staff This form needs to be completed by the employee and HR rep when an employee converts from classified to university staff. Compensation
Supervisor Bulk ePAF Update Bulk supervisor update form Employee Administration
P89 Memorandum of Agreement - Bonus Promissory note to be completed when recruitment or retention bonus is offered. Policy and Compliance